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USS Yosemite AD-19Association
From Bill Krug




Hello Everyone,

I want all of you to be aware of a very recent change that has been made within the leadership of our organization. Sam has requested that I relieve him as President and he in turn will assume the Vice President position until elections fill that position at the next reunion. If it is the will of the organization, I will remain in the Presidency and do my best to support all of you with my full attention to the needs of our Association.

Elections will take place at our next meeting. This will be our Reunion “At Sea”. Sam has had a whole host of issues that have impacted him. Unfortunately, often some things come all at the same time. His life has been impacted and he can no longer devote the required time or attention to the position he held. I think I speak for all of us when I say that he has been a bright spot in our Organization and added a special touch to our group…always positive and helping us have a good time.

I have requested he continue to participate with our group and covered in detail with him all the positive attributes he brought to the table. He went from being a Master At Arms to the difficult job of leading the pack with no prior experience in this area. He has done a fine job and we are all grateful.

Some of you know that I have been actively working on our upcoming cruise details and planning our 2018 Philadelphia event. These efforts will continue and hopefully, the change in leadership will appear seamless as we move forward with an aggressive agenda.

We have an excellent team of individuals holding key positions that I will continue to work closely with to assure that what we accomplish is a joint effort and that our accomplishments are a reflection of a unified team. Our new website will serve as an up to date tool for members and interested parties to look to for a snapshot of or “Yosemite Association.

Recently I have received letters from our Sister Ships (similar Tenders) wanting to share their experiences joining with other Tenders for “Joint Reunions”. We will discuss this with our members for their take on it.

Personally, one of my current goals is to get all of our current members’ participation in every Reunion and find and add new Yosemite Shipmates to our roster. Please encourage everyone you can to join us on this upcoming “Yosemite Reunion At Sea”. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Rock Johnson at Vacations To Go will be happy to add more names. Surround yourself with people you enjoy being with and let’s have a great time.

I remain a phone call away if you need my help getting set up for this coming reunion. I will have better parking information for you in the next newsletter. I left on a 4-day event the 1st of January out of Port Canaveral on Carnival Cruise Lines and it proved to be a learning experience. I think all of you will have fun at our next event.

For those that cannot make it…we have great plans in place at a “Casino Resort Hotel” supporting our Philadelphia Reunion.

William C. Krug III (Bill)
Acting President Yosemite Association