

USS Yosemite Association Leadership Team


Association Officers

Picture of William C. Krug III

Bill Krug

William C. Krug III, President

LCDR William C. Krug III was a Mustang (E1-E8 / O-1 -04). Bill served 26 years before retiring. The USS Yosemite was his last Ship. He served as the Assistant Repair Officer of Med and Persian Gulf Deployment.

Bill left the USS Yosemite to become the OIC of CTF-63 ‘s Ship Repair unit in the Med and Persian Gulf. After 4 years of this assignment, he retired in 1997. Some of his prior commands were: USS Sierra AD-18, USS Semmes DDG-18, USS Joseph Hewes FF-1078, Mine Div. 125 “MSB”, USS Fearless MSO- 442, and Guantanamo Bay Cuba “LCU”

Picture of Sam Jeffries

Sam Jeffries

Sam Jeffries, Vice-President



Picture of Cooper Gilbreath

Cooper Gilbreath

Cooper Gilbreath , Treasurer 
USS Yosemite Association Treasurer

Served on USS Yosemite AD19 from June 3, 1968 – August 3, 1971. I was EM2 R3 Division.


Tina Briones Smith

Tina Briones Smith

Tina Briones Smith, Secretary
Membership Applications and questions regarding membership.
Postal Mailing Address:
Tina Briones Smith
5107 Reagan Dr.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

(734) 308-0402


Board of Directors

Picture of Cooper Gilbreath

Cooper Gilbreath

Cooper Gilbreath, Director



Picture of Ronald Barnett

Ronald Barnett

Ronald Barnett, Director



Sviharon Benavidez

Sviharon Benavidez

Sharon Benavidez, Director

Engineering – EM2 onboard 1987-1990 – Years of Service 8



Danny Brookers

Danny Brooks

Danny Brooks Director

Danny spent 22 years in the Navy, 11 years 8 months, and 22 days of sea time. Danny was first a Machinist Mate and then cross-rated to Hull Technician for the last 11 and half years. He retired in 1996.


picture of darien lorentz

(Hoy) Darien Lorentz

(Hoy) Darien Lorentz, Director

(Hoy) Darien Lorentz, I entered the service in Feb 1968 and was released from duty Nov 1971. I come aboard the USS Yosemite from “A” school in Newport, RI. I was assigned to the R-3 division with WO Bobby Stewart as my division officer. The ship was preparing to depart for the Mediterranean. After returning from the Med, the ship was reassigned to Mayport, Fl. where I served out the remainder of my enlistment.

Picture of Raymond Schortemeier

Raymond Schortemeier

Raymond Schortemeier, Director

Raymond was an Em2 while onboard the Yosemite from 1966 to 1968. He was a great asset to the “Repair Department” While a member of the R-3 Division, he was a key member of the Rewind shop.




Appointed Positions

wendy krug

Wendy Krug = Ship’s Store

Wendy Krug, Ship Store 

For questions regarding your order, call Wendy at (570) 878-2006


Danny Brookers

Danny Brooks

Danny Brooks, Chaplin 

Danny spent 22 years in the Navy, 11 years 8 months, and 22 days of sea time. Danny was first a Machinist Mate and then cross-rated to Hull Technician for the last 11 and half years. He retired in 1996.



Howard Fields photo

Howard Field

Howard Fields, Master At  Arms
I was born and raised in Washington DC, until I was 19. In 1969 I joined the Navy, graduated from boot camp, and was stationed on the USS Yosemite AD19. I stayed on board until 1972, was discharged, and entered the reserves. I had my first son in 1975. The company I worked for moved me to Dallas, Texas, in 1977, still staying in the navy reserves. In 1986, I had my second son.

In 1995, I changed jobs and remained in the reserves, After 25 years of service, I retired from the U.S. Navy Reserves on April 1, 2001. After the Navy, I was involved with the U.S. Navy Sea Cadet Corps, I am now the Commanding Officer of one of the oldest units in the country, the Forrestal Squadron Training Ship Ranger. I am a board member of the City Of Duncanville and a member of Citizens on Patrol.