Jim Jewell’s “Steel Decks and Glass Ceilings – A Navy Officer’s Memoir” describes the first assignment of women for shipboard duty on the USS Yosemite. One of those women officers was Lieutenant Deborah A. Loewer, that achieved a long and successful Naval career.

Rear Admiral Deborah A. Loewer
Before 1979, women were banned from getting sea duty. Rear Admiral Deborah A. Loewer’s Story really starts on the USS Yosemite, but it was far from being easy and physically and emotionally challenging. Essentially it was a constant fight for acceptance and proving herself, while many expected her to fail.
The Story presented here is the time when she was on the Busy Lady. Maybe some crew remember her or met her when she served.
Loewer attended a Surface Warfare Officer Basic Course in 1978 and graduated first in her class. She was then assigned to shipboard duty, then-Lieutenant, junior grade, and served on the destroyer tender USS Yosemite (AD-19) as Electrical Division Officer, Operations Officer, Navigator, and Administrative Officer.
Loewer was one of the first women in the Navy selected for shipboard duty and the first female surface warfare officer (SWO) to attain flag rank. She had an excellent career that started at sea on board the USS Yosemite (AD-19) with her skipper’s less-than-encouraging welcome: “I didn’t ask for women on my ship. I don’t want women on my ship. Find them something to do.”
As a self-described “baby” junior officer of 24, she was assigned to work below decks on the destroyer tender Yosemite. The Springfield, Ohio, native was one of the first women assigned to sea duty after Congress in 1978 dropped its ban on women serving aboard ships.
Loewer and three other women served among the USS Yosemite’s 1,100 men, many of whom bitterly resented the women’s presence. The men taught their female shipmates the intricacies of running a ship at sea but often through clenched teeth.
While permanently assigned to Yosemite, Loewer served for several months on the staff of the Commander of Naval Surface Force Atlantic as a design architect for shipboard computer systems.
“We were accepted,” said Loewer. “‘Accepted’ is the right word. I won’t qualify that with the word ‘well’ accepted or ‘gladly’ accepted or ‘happily’ accepted. . . . It wasn’t fun; it was long, hard work. But we and the Navy learned much more about what it took to go to sea.”
You can add a lot more to her story by viewing the video below. After her USS Yosemite experience, her career continued to prosper, Loewer rose to become a Rear Admiral and an advisor to the White House and is now retired.
The following is a video from the Wright State Alumni Speaker Series that features an interview with Retired Rear Admiral Deborah A. Loewer. The interview was recorded in 2021. At 14:04 in the video playing, Loewer described her experience on the USS Yosemite in 1978. This is history.
I met with Deborah at the Reunion and had a wonderful time listening to her stories on the USS Yosemite and other Navy ships. She also talked about her role as President Bush’s Communication Director, which was extremely interesting. It was fascinating to hear Deborah talk about the events that occurred with Bush during 911 and the activities she performed to set up the communication facilities for President Bush to connect with our military leaders worldwide.
But, what really impressed me most was her ability to succeed as a woman in the Navy with too many speed bumps and roadblocks that would cause a normal person to throw in the towel and quit. Deborah is both an engineer and a lawyer with leadership and executive skills that have resulted in her long military career of success and as military consultant. Deborah was a pioneer and paved the way for women’s success in the Navy.
Here are some of things that Rear Admiral Deborah A. Loewer did to paved the way for women in the Navy in several significant ways:
Pioneering Shipboard Duty:
Prior to 1979, women were barred from serving on combat ships. Loewer was among the first group of women selected for this duty. Her success in this challenging role helped demonstrate that women could effectively serve at sea, opening doors for future generations.
Breaking Glass Ceilings:
Loewer’s distinguished career saw her become the first female surface warfare officer (SWO) to achieve the rank of Rear Admiral (one-star admiral). This accomplishment shattered a significant glass ceiling and proved that women could reach the highest levels of leadership within the Navy.
Role Model and Inspiration:
Loewer’s achievements served as a powerful inspiration for countless women who aspired to naval careers. Seeing a woman excel in such a traditionally male-dominated domain undoubtedly motivated many to pursue their own goals.
Shifting Perceptions:
Loewer’s success likely helped to change perceptions within the Navy about the capabilities of women. Her example demonstrated that women could not only handle the physical and mental demands of shipboard life but also excel in leadership roles.
Increased Opportunities:
Loewer’s story likely contributed to a broader societal shift and the opening of more opportunities for women in the Navy. As societal views on gender roles evolved, and Loewer’s success became undeniable, the Navy likely adapted to allow for a more inclusive environment.
Legacy of Achievement:
Today, women play a vital role in the United States Navy, serving on ships, submarines, and in all branches of naval aviation. Loewer’s story is a significant part of this journey, paving the way for a more diverse and qualified naval force.
Mentoring and Coaching
Loewer started a mentoring program with Navy women to help them with their career, solving problems, discuss issues and rules that present challenges for women. Loewer continues today after her retirement from the Navy to mentoring and coaching to Navy women.
The Retired Rear Admiral Deborah A. Loewer will be attending our 2024 Reunion.
I had the benefit to have (the then) LCDR Loewer as my XO on the Monongahela. Can anyone share a way for me to send her a note of thank you?
I reported aboard the Yosemite on 6 January 1981 when our ship was still in the yards in Mobile, So this means we are true Shipmates and lived though some of the same things.